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Monday, March 21, 2011

monday loves...reminiscing

happy to be here - happy to love you - happy to live as one

this is one of my favorite photos from our wedding almost thirteen years ago.  its just a snapshot taken by a family friend and not a formal posed picture taken by our photographer.  its the only wedding photo i have out to look at each day.  its sits in my inspiration space in our den and yesterday it caught my eye.  it brings back so many memories and makes me think of how much we have grown together as we live our lives and grow older together.  i am truly blessed to live each day with my best friend and share happiness, heartache, and love with my sweet gus.

1 comment:

  1. This got me right in the heart, beautiful Kelley. Such a sweet, sweet photo.

    Sending love to both of you and your little ones.



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