continuing to simplify our lives, the next product i wanted to tackle was toothpaste. i read a few things online about toothpaste and taking good care of our precious teeth. i did not find one particular recipe that i fell in love with or one that worked well with my new simplified outlook on everyday life. soooo with all that here is what i did to make my very own toothpaste. i havnt convinced the rest of my family on this one yet, but i know they will come around. i am not going to bash companies that sell certain products with certain ingredients, but i urge you to check whats in your products the next time you use them.
baking soda
coconut oil
hydrogen peroxide
i did not use any specific measurements. this recipe is a add each ingredient until you get the right consistency kind of recipe!=) i used a little mason jar and started with the baking soda (about a 1/3 of a cup).
about a tablespoon of the peroxide
i melted little bits of the coconut oil at a time and slowly added it to the mixture. when i found my desired consistency i let it cool and harden. after it had hardened i added some water to liquify my toothpaste a bit for ease of getting it on my toothbrush=)
next weekend i am going to make some for my kids and husband, but will add some mint essential oil. i dont think they will be big fans of the baking soda flavor!!! it was a little hard to handle the first few days, but now i am used to it and even taste the coconut oil more and more!!
happy brushing
this sounds great. thank you for sharing! oh, i just read that cardamom has a natural anti-bacterial property that helps neutralize dental bacteria. cardamom oil would add a nice earthy vanilla flavor, too.=)