where has the time gone?? we had a jam packed super crazy summer up here in the last frontier. it was one of the warmest, sunniest, and beautiful summers i can recall.
sports, time in our travel home, work, a visit from family, growing lettuce and doing laundry at the rv park is what our summer consisted of.
the start of the school year looked completely different for our family. the transition to middle school for one and home school for the other has gone pretty darn smooth. my little ones are happy and content with their new learning environments.
as i love this little space i call believe, i am so frustrated that i fail to have the time to create, write, share. this time in my life is sometimes overwhelming, but i am searching for my own time to do the things i love, and still provide for my sweet family.
my new year starts today and one of my items on the list is to bring more to this space.
lots of love