trusting your intuitive heart means listening to and trusting that quiet
inner voice that knows what it is you need to do, what actions need to be taken, or changes need to be made in your life. if you can overcome your fear that your intuitive heart will give you incorrect answers, if you can learn to trust it, your life will become that magical adventure it was meant to be.
--richard carlson
Originally uploaded by my corner 49
Sweet Kelley...how nice it is to be here in this space you have created. It seems you & I have a lot in common...like, we both have a love for great quotes, we both love to create and are fellow bloggers! (Just to name a few.)
ReplyDeleteIt was such a treat to see you as a follower of my blog...
Matt & i have talked so many times about taking a trip to see you in Alaska--we must make that happen very soon.
So good to connect.
Sending love to you & your sweet family.